Got some Rotala

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 15, 2006
Nashville TN
well my 3 day black out was over and everyone said I needed some stem I ran to the store and got 2 otto's and 4 bunches of rotala..and I LOVE is really nice looking and REALLY dense! I want stuff that is dense like rotala to fill my tank :D..... but not ALL of it has to be dense...anyways, are rotala just like any other stem? for clippings that I may want to plant do I do it like I would my red Ludwig? cause its really delicate so I wasnt sure :)

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Rotala Rotundifolia is a great stem plant. Trim just like you would any other stem plant. After awhile the bottoms will get a bit ratty, just remove and replant the tops an you'll be rewarded with great looking growth.
Be careful with the Oto's. Check your nitrAte levels and if they are too high do a PWC. They are pretty fragile fish for the first couple of weeks and blackouts have been known to cause nitrAte spikes (ammonia or nitrIte if not completely cycled) as all the GW and other algae rot in the tank.

As Purrbox stated, I generally will cut the tops off if the rest of the plant looks healthy, otherwise its "off with his head!", trash the stump, and replant the tops. One of the coolest things I've started doing is letting the Rotala get very long and it will hit the surface and grow across. This part of your tank will have the highest light level and even if you have a good bit of nitrAte in the tank should really bring out the reds. I have pretty steady 20-40 nitrAte levels and use this trick.

I'll get a bunch growing across the surface and then cut them, bundle them up, and then replant. Looks like my tank is low in nitrogen, but its just an effect.

Here's an example, you can see the way it normally grows on the far left side (very green), and then you can see the pieces that were previously floating near the surface (nice and pink/red):

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