Gourami and krib fighting??

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 7, 2006
Wichita, KS
I walked in the front door the other day to something I'd never imagined I would see. I stepped inside and saw my krib and my dwarf gourami fighting in my 75g tank. They were circling and nipping at each other. Finally the gourami laid down on his side and I figured the fight was over. The krib attacked the gourami who decided he was sick of it and fought back. He bit at the krib and chased him all the way across the tank until the krib ducked around a piece of driftwood and got away from my vicious gourami. I had no idea a gourami could possibly move that fast. I'd also never seen any signs of aggression out of him at all. I'd seen the krib chase the female krib I've got, but that's about it. I honestly have no idea what brought this on.
what kinda gourami is it, i dunno how big kribs get.

i could see a large male moonlight gourami, or kisser getting pissed of and attacking someone but those dwarf gouramis seem to small to start somthing
It's a blue dwarf gourami. I'm really not sure which one of the two started it since I walked in in the middle. I know the gourami ended it. The krib is prob about 4 inches.
I bet you have krib babies on the way! Daddy was probably trying to defend the eggs somewhere and mr. gourami tried to get a snack. If he were merely picking on the krib, the krib probably back down right away, since they are pretty peaceful. But when they have young'uns, they go after other fish (and watch your hands when in the water too :)).
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