Gourami issues???

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 17, 2013
Hey all, I am new to the site and have recently gotten my ten gallon tank set up and finished its cycling and such. I have now added my fish, I have a small group of glowlight tetras (5) and a dwarf gourami. I feed them flakes, the tetras are good eaters and eat every time I put food in however, since I put the gourami in he hasnt eaten ANYTHING and has been going up and down the glass like he is chasing his reflection. His "Forehead" has become a dull gray color and he is breathing kind of rapidly but not like he is gasping for air. So here is my question, could this be DGD? or could it just be him getting used to the tank and being under a bit of stress, he has only been in for 3 or 4 days after all.

Thanks for any help!
You have any pictures or your water parameters? Also, what kind of DG are we talking about? Mine is a flame and his head is naturally silvery gray. Do you have a few places he can hide in? They like to hide and play in plants. At least I call it play.
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 8 ppm

I guess the most worrying thing about it all is that he isnt eating. I believe the color morph he is is the neon blue? the kind with orange/blue stripes...I cant get pictures or video at the moment sadly. So like I said, he isnt eating anything and is just sliding up and down the glass like a hyper little kid and is breathing pretty fast, but not like he is out of breath. I have plenty of silk and plastic plants as well as large rock "Hides" in the tank too.

Is his color dull? Other than just his forehead? Like faded out somewhat? To me it doesn't sound like DGD but we might wanna try to find out what he's feeling. Any unusual marks or dots on him?
Gouramis are typically shy when you first get them. I would give him at least a week. Mine didn't eat for the first week and a half I had him
No unusual marks/dots or scrapes on him. just his head. Like I said though, the real only reason I am worried about him is his constant up and down and not eating. I had a gourami a while back(3-4 years ago) and he never acted like this so I just found it out of the ordinary.
quick update,

I am now sure that he had/has DGD, he is now lying on his side at the bottom of the tank and I am pretty sure he is going to die... Its really too bad that these fish are being bred in a way that this disease can thrive in their populations. I expect him to pass by the end of the day.:(

Thanks for the help anyways, its greatly appreciated and was comforting at the time.
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