Gourami question

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 18, 2012
I have 2 dwarf gourami, and was thinking of adding a pearl gourami, I wondered if I could have the three, or should they stay in pairs? Thanks in advance for any input
You may be able to have it work in a 60 gallon since there's enough space for everyone to stake out territories, but you'll need to mix up the decorations when you add the pearl. This will force everyone to stake out new territories at the same time so no one will get mad at the Pearl for invading. Definitely have a backup plan such as taking the pearl back if things go south though.
Well, I am purchasing a used 110 gallon, and the fish is in it now, I was going to take the fish, to keep from disturbing it and taking its home, but I don't want problems with my current fish, I will probably just pass on it. Thanks for the info!!
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