Gourami Question

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 2, 2003
new york
Im going to get 2 gouramis a blue and gold i think
I been reading alot about them and it says
you need some plants in you tank for them to hide in
How many plants do i need
im going to get fake ones and im not sure like how much cover do they need to have
if anyone has a pic that would be great
Gourami's like planted tanks, as for how many you need will be down to the size of your aquarium. the reason why gourami's like planted tanks is because they are a labyrinth fish and when they breed they use plant matter to build there bubble nest.
Well that has change the situation a bit, i don't know if you realise but your pink tailed chalceus are prediters and very good jumpers. So are you bala's very good jumpers as well, so keep a tight lid on your tank. These fish grow to about 9.5in and need lots of swimming space. Your bala's are also fish that will grow large, about 14in.
My concern now would be that the chalceus might chase the gourami's around a bit.
well the gourami are pretty big and the pink tail chalcus dont both the balas which are a bit smaller than the chalceus
what other kind of fish could i put in instead of gouramis
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