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Speaking of Gourami. I have a pair of male Powder Blue Dwarfs in my 75 community and they are my wife's favorites. She asks about getting more but I don't want to push my luck as far as aggression between males etc. She isn't interested in the duller females
How many males could I get away with when it comes to territories? Or would getting a different breed of gourami help?
i have 2 dwarf and 2 neon blue DG in my 55 gal all males. i didn't do enough research on them before i bought them so i didn't know they were territorrial. they all grew up together so they are comfortable around each other. you have a bigger tank so i would say you could get 1 more male but i would really suggest some females to lighten the tension. IDK where you get them cuz my lfs never carries females