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TN Tanks

Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 20, 2004
Nashville TN
I was browsing Petsmarts website one day before I went to the store trying to decide what powerfilter to buy next. When I got to the store, I noticed the Fluval 404 was 169.99 !!! The website listed it for about 85 dollars. I asked the manager about it, and he said the would gladly match their own price if I brought in the sheet. I saved around 80 dollars or so just for printing a page out from the net. Not to shabby... To bad their tanks above 50 gal are not in the site 8)

So now when I go to petsmart, I add all the items I might buy onto the shopping cart and just print it out. The price isnt always better, but it can save you a lot of cash.
wow i didnt know they would do that!! btw which petsmart do you go to? i live in murfreesboro so i go to the one here, but i will sometimes go to petco in bellevue, or superpetz near hickory hollow... what are some good fish places in nashville btw? cause in chattanooga we had The Fish Store which had every freakin fish ever lol...

This really surprises me.

I asked petsmart employees once about the differences in prices between the Internet and the store, and I was told that the Internet is always less expensive because of less overhead; plus, you pay for shipping. Essentially, they told me too bad.

Congratulations....and I guess it's worth bringing it up!
Don't count on that working all the time. They (and PetCo) explicitely state on the website that these prices are for ONLINE orders only, and that price and item availabilty will vary from store to store.

Looks like you just ran into a nice, or stupid, manager.
Wow, I live in Murfreesboro too, know anything about SW? I am setting up a 135 Gal tank for SW now. I go to the petsmart in town, or the one in Rivergate ( never stocked ) . The Fish Bowl is in Nashville, I am going there today

The Fish Bowl
1609 Murfreesboro Pk
Nashville TN 37217
well i would go for stupidity.. it is murfreesboro after all lol.. of course the manager might have just not really cared..

hey TN tanks you know anywhere i can find dwarf corys? i looked at animal city, petsmart, and petland.. petland has glowing zebras btw for 11.99--i want one but thats too much..

and murfreesboro pike--is that what broad st. turns into in murfreesboro? cause i called it murfreesboro road didnt know if it was different..

i do not know much about SW tanks--theres a lady i work with that used to have a 200 gal SW tank tho.. she had seahorses and a buncha other stuff ( she also had a smaller SW tank with a lion fish but i forgot what size tank)... anyways thats my dream a 200 gal SW tank...

and you mighta seen me here lol if you look at the pics of my car you might recognize it... it sounds like absoulte crap tho lol the exhaust is messed up

well anyways i'll shutup now
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