Green Bubble Algae: After an hour of playing 'Operation'...

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Good luck. I have had it in my tank for years. It has never gotten out of control but have never been able to eradicate it either.
Though it might be ugly, I still think it can be a good thing if able to be controlled. I don't worry about some of the algae growth in my tank as it is helping with parameters...just isn't hidden away in a refugium or algae turf scrubber. That being said, it can get to that point if not managed. The marshall island latana in my tank died when I made a mistake and had calcium precipitate down onto it. Out of the blue it started making a comeback, but where it was dead bubble algae had started taking root. Now during water changes I make sure to suck up any I see to increase not only chance of survival, but I would like the skeleton to be grown back over with living tissue at some point.
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