Green Hair Algae

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 9, 2004
Winnipeg, Canada
My tank is five months old and I am starting to develop some green hair algae type mounds on my LR. Also, I have some green algae spots on my back panel. Is this good? How do I remove it from my rock if this is not good? Thanks for your help.
If you'll provide your water parameters and what type of water (tap, ro, ect) it would be helpful.
I have the same problem. My LFS told me my phosphates might be high and recommended "PhosBan" (Phosphate Adsorption Media). I hope this combined with my protein skimmer will cut the growth down. Meanwhile, I removed the growth by hand and used an algae brush on the back of my tank.
I have read that tap water is usually the cause of high phosphates.
I use bottled water for my top offs and my hair has receated :D
I also have a wonderful Yellow Tang that eats any and all hair. I think he misses it , cause its all gone!
Phos-ban or phos-zorb will work but you still might want to get to the cause of the problem and stopping it there. It can be multiple causes so your water perameters and setup info is a must to figure the cause.
Im too having algae problem. I started to use distilled water for top offs (until i get an RO unit), reduced my light cycle, and use Phosgard in my filter and its working I also got 2 emerals to take care of some of the already established growth and the are doing a great job at it.

hope that you find the cause and get it under control...

Good luck!!
I'm sure I'm just repeating what others have said but and RO/DI solved my algae problems. (I was using conditioned tap water before and the algae was takng over). The difference now in my tank is enormous and the benefits of the RO unit were almost instant. Highly recommended
I still get a tiny bit of green hairy algae (around my inflow pipe which my fish avoid) but it's nothing.
I never used any additives such as phospoban etc as I don't like adding formulas and chemicals to my tanks so i can't say whether that would help.
Reducing the light period did help a little (the algae growth slowed) but my leather coral didn't take kindly to it.
I also got a bicolour blenny who helped with algae control.

Hope the above helps - I had a large amount of cyanobacteria carpeting the tank with the hairy algae so you're problem may not be the same at all. But thought I'd post my experience anyway - might help.
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