Growing stuff in my tank

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jan 3, 2012
Hey guys! I was curious if someone may know what this is or what I can do about it. I did a 50% water change this morning and noticed this stuff growing in my plants and as I took water out I saw it floating all over my tank. I tried to get as much of it out as I can. Does anyone know what it is or if it's harmful?


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it's hard to see in the pics. You mean the white dot things? Are they hard? If so it's probably just calcium buildup from the water.
librarygirl said:
it's hard to see in the pics. You mean the white dot things? Are they hard? If so it's probably just calcium buildup from the water.

Sorry! No its actually the like film looking stuff it's right I side the green plants on the first picture in the bottom right corner. It actually looks like it belongs to the plant but it dosnt!

I played with the picture coloring tried to circle it


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Thanks! I honestly dont know what its called but i have seen it before in my one tank that had an ugf. Best advice is to suck it up in your grav vac with a water change or scoop it out with a net. Hopefully, someone knows exaclty what it is!
I got rid of most of it with my water changes I did yesterday but I saw a few pieces still floating around today when I did another 50% water change.
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