Guppies brackish....

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 25, 2003
Canmore, Alberta, Canada
I was in one of my LFS the other day and saw that they had a brackish tank with gobies, scats and fig. 8 puffs and guppies in it. Are guppies able to live in brackish conditions?
....... I don't know why they were with puffers???

I don't think they are BW- I think they like a little bit of salt.. but not BW

but i could be wrong
Yes, guppies can go from low to low-mid brackish. Daniel and I have a brackish guppy tank with a knight goby (for population control if ya know what I mean :wink: ).

The guppies love it and the knight goby...well...his tummy will tell you how much he loves it, lol.
well,guppies can live in a saltinity of 1.002 and if you want a planted tank the plants are green cabomba and twisted vallis.
Guppies, mollies and swords can live in a variety of specific gravities. I've even seen guppies in a reef tank (albeit, they probably never lived long). Mollies, and guppies venture out to full strength SW in the wild quite often.
I thought guppies did not tolerate a brackish tank as well as the Mollies. Saltinity of 1.002 is not brackish. We keep our brackish tank at a specific gravity of 1.015. From the research that I did, swords and platies would not go well in out tank, but I did not research guppies.
OK, so you are in Canmore, which doesn't have a Local FS, so you must have been here....Riverfront Aquariums...yes? If so, those were likely feeders for the puffers and mudskippers.
just for the record, swords and platies can tolerate low levels of brackish but nothing higher than 1.005, guppies and mollies and much more tolerant.
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