Guppy breeding

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 9, 2015
Well the girlfriend has been all over me about seeing some babies(fish babies!) so I got 2 female guppies to breed. I already have 3 males and the males seem to not harass them as much as I've heard they do. Still working on what I'm going to do with all the fry lol. Probably will do one batch then give them away. LFS won't take them that I'm aware of.

Here's the new gals:
ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1426351404.112911.jpg

I have a breeder net set up so fry will be kept safe in community tank.


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Very pretty! Keep an eye on the males...I breed Endlers and while my females far outnumber the males they're still relentless :rolleyes:
Very pretty! Keep an eye on the males...I breed Endlers and while my females far outnumber the males they're still relentless :rolleyes:

Definitely will keep an eye out. My males haven't bothered them much so far.


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When they do start pumping out babies play with the temp in the tank. I have found I get more males in a warm tank with endlers and more males in a cool tank with Pygmy guppies. Opposite is true for each, so more females in a cooler tank with endlers and more females in a warm tank with Pygmy guppies. Have fun!

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yea, i bought a female that turned out to be a male but he grew up in a female only tank, so he was relentless toward all my 4 female while, my very beutiful, very expensive male wouldn't go for them at all:(, but i have 1 male that looks just like he did:D
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