Guppy fry

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 21, 2012
I had guppy fry born today. I was wondering about how long i should keep them in the breeder net before introducing them to the full tank. I have the male/ female pair of guppies and two glofish and two male feeder guppies. Petsmart sld me the feeder guppies as cobra guppies. So far the 4 guppies are interested in getting to the fry but it doesnt seem like the glofish are. I have lots of plants in the main tank but the feeder guppies seem crazy determined to get to my fry.i had to separate the mama early because they were ganging up on her.
They should be ok to introduce in a few weeks if you have enough hiding places. 3M/1F will stress the poor female.
Yes in fact the ratio should be opposet 3F/1M that how it is in my tank and I am a very successful breeder!
Slade said:
They should be ok to introduce in a few weeks if you have enough hiding places. 3M/1F will stress the poor female.

As above, poor female! Anyway, as already mentioned, when they cannot fit into the biggest mouth in your tank they will be ok to release. consider around 1-1.5cm (roughly half an inch) to normally be safe around other guppies and danios (glofish).

Depending on what you feed and how often this can take any thing up to and around a month roughly.
I had guppy fry born today. I was wondering about how long i should keep them in the breeder net before introducing them to the full tank. I have the male/ female pair of guppies and two glofish and two male feeder guppies. Petsmart sld me the feeder guppies as cobra guppies. So far the 4 guppies are interested in getting to the fry but it doesnt seem like the glofish are. I have lots of plants in the main tank but the feeder guppies seem crazy determined to get to my fry.i had to separate the mama early because they were ganging up on her.

Hello Britt...

If you feed your fry several times a day, they'll be ready to move in a week. I keep large, planted tanks of Fancy Guppies and keep all the fish together. When I see fry in the tank, I start feeding more often. If you keep your adults well fed, they're less likely to bother the fry and the fry will grow more quickly with multiple, daily feedings.

You can feed the fry the same diet as the adults. You just need to put the dry food in a small sandwich bag and crush it into a powder with a rolling pin or something similar.

I also feed frozen brine shrimp or blood worms once a week and freeze dried Tubifex worms. The wider the variety, the healthier the fish.

Thanks for the help. And i didnt mean to get that many male guppies. Petsmart sold the male female guppies as a type of tetra. Only through research did i find out what they were. Unfortunately through a water change we lost all the adult guppies today. I believe my husband changed too much of the water. Only the glofish and algae fish survived.
Brittanyfoust said:
Thanks for the help. And i didnt mean to get that many male guppies. Petsmart sold the male female guppies as a type of tetra. Only through research did i find out what they were. Unfortunately through a water change we lost all the adult guppies today. I believe my husband changed too much of the water. Only the glofish and algae fish survived.

That shouldn't happen! Did you remember dechlorinator? Was the temperature roughly the same? A water change shouldn't kill fish unless the parameters are completely different. How often do you change the water and how much?
I suggest that you restart with the whole tank, and if possible use purified drinking water (I have a thing on my sink that removes chlorine, flourine, and adds healthy minerals. You could also use bottled water, but you need to let it sit for 24hrs before using it in your tank, and those thinks that are supposed to sit on the faucet and purify the water might work, but look it up first if you want to go that route and tell me) if you restart your tank, this means you'll have to deal with the spike in levels again, and I suggest plants to help that! If you want to breed guppies, you need 2-3 females per male. That's the rule. I have 2 healthy females and a beautiful orange male, and their names are all Japanese! If you have any questions that I didn't cover, ask! And even with purified water you need a dechlorinater! I use StressCoat+! I never understood the + at the end. I hope I helped! ^^
Oh okay then! Haha I'd've totally been restarting my tank if that had happened to me! I'm just a bit more on the whole keep the fish alive or I'm a horrible fish murder thing! Was just a suggestion, have fun with your fishies ;D
Brittanyfoust said:
We use prime. The water change issue was he changed 10 instead of 5

Even then it shouldn't happen. Your tank could have been suffering from 'old tank syndrome'. Large water changes in a healthy tank wouldn't have caused deaths. Can I get you to google 'OTS'?
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