guppy genotypes

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 7, 2006
Ontario, Cananda
what are the guppy genotypes for breeding purposes?
ive found on the net that for example grey is dominant over gold skin
does anyone have a list of all the genotypes?
This is what I found on a German Breederspage (

Wildtype gray: dominant
Gold, blond, blue, pink, albino: recessive
silver, creme: double recessive

I assume you know what homozygous and heterozygous dominant and recessive mean?
homoz. dominant: CC
homoz. recessive: cc
heterozygous dominant: Cc

Genetics are very complicated and it depends if the parents have pure genes (homozygous) or if they are already mixed (heterozygous). In that case you might get offspring in the first, second or third generation that are different looking from both parents.
Plus I don't know at all how black marks, snakeskin coloration etc. are handed down.

But maybe I could help a little.
the german site didnt help because i cannot read German, i was wondering about tail sizes and shapes and how the half black is, it seems to be dominant in my tank but not sure

also i really like the double sword (lyre) tail guppys, ive seem them in males, but not in females, what female should i breed a lyre tail male with to get the most lyre tail offspring, they will be from a pet store so homo/heterzygous will be unknown just a guess

im looking to set up another tank just to breed the lyre tail guppies so i want the most as possible in the offspring
moose9 said:
the german site didnt help because i cannot read German, i was wondering about tail sizes and shapes and how the half black is, it seems to be dominant in my tank but not sure

also i really like the double sword (lyre) tail guppys, ive seem them in males, but not in females, what female should i breed a lyre tail male with to get the most lyre tail offspring, they will be from a pet store so homo/heterzygous will be unknown just a guess

im looking to set up another tank just to breed the lyre tail guppies so i want the most as possible in the offspring
If you get them from the fishstore pretty much everything is going to be unknown. You can get any female, breed her with a lyre tail and might end up with all kinds of shapes and colors.

If you really want to breed them and set up a tank designated to them, I would try to get a trio from a good breeder in your area.
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