Guppy issues

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 6, 2011
Last night I noticed one of my very pregnant guppies wobbling as she was swimming but put it down to her huge size. She gave birth to a couple which went to hide in the java moss but I was so tired I left her to it and looked forward to seeing more babies in the morning. When I woke up and checked on her, she was motionless on the substrate :( I checked the water and everything looks perfect, ammo 0, nitrites 0, nitrates <5. No change in temp or ph overnight. Did a pwc this morning anyway, only about 10-20% as I was running late for work. Is it possible she died during childbirth? Is the swim-wobble indicative of something more sinister? And are my other fishies at risk? :(
My other heavily pregnant guppy is now starting the wobble - any ideas?
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