Guppy tank

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Sep 1, 2014
I been wanting a guppy tank and hubby bought me a 20 gallon marine land led kit with a a bio filter last night . When we got home from petsmart I wanted to just take the filter out and run it for a couple weeks on my 125 gallon tank. And leave the tank in the box for now . He didn't want to -- sometimes it's easier to just give in-- anyway he sat it up . I used the small black gravel with a coral background . I did take a rock cave out of my other tank ( figured it would have the bacteria on it) I used water from other tank and squeezed crap from my old filter on the new filter. Today we went back to petsmart and got bacteria starter and added to tank. I bought 2 female guppies and 1 male plus 3 ghost shrimp. I'm hoping that by using the aged water that my guppies will be ok . Especially since I only put 3 fish in to start .

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Well I put my 3 guppies in my 20 gallon Saturday morning ( I tested my wAter 1st with a strip ) Saturday evening My yellow female had white around her mouth. Was dead by Sunday morning. My other female was died yesterday morning And when I got home yesterday evening my male was swimming very funny. Took all 3 back to petsmart . The guy told me no way was I gonna get out of cycling a tank -- what I did helped and it cut down on cycling a tanks time . Also while a feeder guppy was hardy the fancies are not. Once they r established in a tank they r usually fine but getting them started is the thing . I know years ago a friend had them and they bred like crazy. Petsmart guy said they did best in a guppy only tank which is what I want. Guess i was right in just wanting to run my filter on tank for a couple weeks but anyway I am going to petsplus today ang getting guppy feeders to cycle since petsmart was out of them

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There is very little if any bacteria in the water column. The bottled bacteria doesn't work all the time so it's not a reliable source. I think you should hold off on getting fish and wait for the tank to cycle.

So I'd put the filter on the tank you already have, wait a few weeks, and then get fish.

There is very little if any bacteria in the water column. The bottled bacteria doesn't work all the time so it's not a reliable source. I think you should hold off on getting fish and wait for the tank to cycle.

So I'd put the filter on the tank you already have, wait a few weeks, and then get fish.


A fishless cycle is a lot easier than a fish-in cycle. Just run your filter in the 125 gal for a week or two, then put it in the 20 gal. And when you do it, I would take the filter cartridge that you used for that filter when I was in the 125, and I would snip a little square out of it, and stick it in the bottom of the filter with a new filter pad.

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Another way to do a quick cycle is to clean an already established filter in some tank water and then soak the new filter media in the water for a few minutes. It really jump starts the cycle. Only add 2 fish at a time and wait a couple of weeks between adding more. This allows the bacteria to grow enough to support more fish. You can also take a decent size piece of filter media from you established tank to get things started. Add it behind or under the new filter media. so water goes through it first. This will help distribute the bacteria.
Forgot to add that we popped open my canister filter on the 125 and took a few cermanic noodles and plastic bio balls to put in the filter. I went yesterday evening to petsplus they checked my water with the liquid test. Said my ph was real low. That I proabaly threw the fish into shock. I didn't think about it at time but my 125 is my Oscar tank and I use the Amazon black water in it plus I have a piece of driftwood in it to keep my ph low

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That's how I do a cycle on a new tank rob some media from a filter running on another tank. And as long as you don't put a massive amount of fish in at once it works perfect. Is your tap water any closer to the ph of the pet shop you could use conditioned tap water. If not just aclime the fish slowly. My tank water is different to prt shop to and I have to do it every time. Takes a bit of time but worth it

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My biggest problem with the tank is a husband " who knows it a lot more about tanks than I do"
I went yesterday got 10 feeder guppies feed them and told him I feed them he turns around and redress them because I didn't give them enough

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The Ph shouldn't have shocked your fish, unless it was like 5 or lower. As most fish adapt to the Ph rather easily, it's only if the Ph fluctuates and isn't constant

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