guppy with red spots

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 30, 2013

I had two dead guppies in my tank this morning one looked like it had been bitten on the back and the other looked bloated and had red spots on it. I have another still alive with half his tail missing and red spots on him - i've attached a picture. The guppy is quite slow and not moving normally.

the other fish are 2 lemon tetras, a Siamese flying fox and several platys and mollies, so i'm not sure which would be attacking them if any. the guppies are the newest edition the other fish are all at least a year old.

Any ideas as to what is wrong with him would be appreciated.

Thanks !


  • poorly guppy.jpg
    poorly guppy.jpg
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idk what a siameese flying fox is but a siameese fighting fish aka beta are agressive and guppies like to play around and so this is my best guess, if you let the tails go like that your gonna have a disease outbreak so get some salt and and anti fungal such as methylene blue, malachite green or furan 2 and put this guppies in this until they heal.
If you have a quarantine tank I would put your guppy in it immediately. It looks like something took a serious nip out of its tail. I don't know of any fish diseases that would cause your fish to lose half of its tail overnight. Were all your guppies up and about last night and now all of a sudden this morning 2 dead and one with half a tail gone?
yer they where all fine the night before. I seperated him and treated the water in both tanks but the guppy still died. my grey female guppies seem fine it is only the orange ones that seem to be dying, might just be coincidence. The rest of the guppies seem to have been acting normal for a few days now so hopefully they will be okay. The siamese flying fly is an algae eater, a biggish fish in comparison to the guppies, though he generally sites at the bottom and does next to nothing. there are 3 male guppies (it was a ratio of just over 2:1) I know they can chase the females but would they actually bite chunks out their tail? Thanks again for our help.
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