Guppys as feeders?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 16, 2012
So a couple of weeks ago my guppy had babies :) YAY but now I have 15 who will be put in a 10 gallon tank ( gotta get one soon) and I was wondering if when these guys have fry which is inevitable will I be able to feed some of them to the cichlids because I don't want to become over run with guppies like some people do I want to be able to keep some and sell some to my LFS for a profit and feed some to cichlids ( sounds like a good plan to me ) I just want to hear everyone's thoughts on this.
Fishguy1997 said:
So a couple of weeks ago my guppy had babies :) YAY but now I have 15 who will be put in a 10 gallon tank ( gotta get one soon) and I was wondering if when these guys have fry which is inevitable will I be able to feed some of them to the cichlids because I don't want to become over run with guppies like some people do I want to be able to keep some and sell some to my LFS for a profit and feed some to cichlids ( sounds like a good plan to me ) I just want to hear everyone's thoughts on this.

I would just leave them in the main tank and let the strong survive then sell those extra to your lfs and have a few feeders then you won't be overrun
You could sell the good ones bud... It could be a good idea but try to make a good selection. In my opinion, guppys do get good babies that your local fls might like...

If you want to know whether your cichlids will like it or not, the answer is yes, they will, it happened to me unfortunately..
What kind of cichlids? If African I would say NO! Too much protein and you could have bloat issues. If American then it would probably be fine, although I have no experience with American cichlids.
CraigMac said:
What kind of cichlids? If African I would say NO! Too much protein and you could have bloat issues. If American then it would probably be fine, although I have no experience with American cichlids.

I gave some to Africans but only as treat once in a blue moon like a McCain cake for me lol
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