Hair Algae?!?!?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Nov 12, 2003
Springfield, MO
Well, I noticed a sprig a couple weeks ago and thought nothing of it, and now its starting to get a little too close for comfort. I am noticing little bits of hair algae throughout the tank. Where is the fuel? I have 0 Nitrate, .03 PO4 if that, and feed scarely. My bioload is minimal as well. I use RO/DI for top off. The RO/DI is the only culprit I can think of, my filters just hit the 6 mo mark and although I think they could keep on trucking I just made up my first reservior from the new filters. Any insight out there by chance? Perhaps its from my recent sump/fuge upgrade?

Oh, and on a side observation, when I switched the fuge I ditched all my calurpa and went 100% chaetomorph. It came as a tightly packed ball of green brillo looking algae but is now unraveled and is twice the size of a basketball. I am not very well versed with it, is this normal, and do I just cut it back down to a small size again?
0 nitrates doesn't necessarily mean no nitrate. It could mean the aglae are consuming it. If you didn;t have the hair algae before getting rid of the caulerpa it may mean that the chaeto cant keep up, being a fine leaf type of algae. Maybe try intoducing more caulerpa or maybe a Kole Tang. JMO
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