Hair algae

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 23, 2014
Just wanted to know, is there benefits for having hair algae ?

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Haha ya and now we wait for the pros

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If you don't mind it aesthetically, it's not growing on corals, etc. then yes it can have a benefit. It'll absorb any extra nutrients in the water column like phosphates and nitrates. There are ways to grow it without having it in your display by using an algae turf scrubber.
Algae is not a bad thing by itself. I clean it off my front and side glass but that's it. Growing algae absorbs nitrates and CO2 which is a good thing. It also serves as a food source for some smaller fish and inverts. Unless it is preventing the viewing of the fish or clogging up pumps, filters, or overflows I say let it grow. There is a thing called "sterile tank syndrome."

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Oh ok but can I put it in my refugium

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In terms of a refugium...I guess...but you would get the most benefit from algae such as this from algae turf scrubbers. This is their intent, to use this type of algae against itself where refugiums rely on slower growing and not so invasive algae.
Ok thanks for the info

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