Have I got an infected tank?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 19, 2004
Bought 6 neon tetras yesterday but after adding them to the tank and a couple of hours later turning the lights back on, noticed that 5 had white spot.

I've taken them out of the tank and will be returning them to the store but is the tank now infected? Do I need to take preventative measures? The Neon's were in for approx 4 hours

The tank is 96 litre and populated with black widow tetras, guppies and platies

You should increase the temperature in the tank, you can keep the neons, if there was any harm to be done by them, it's done (it only takes one spot to start the cycle, and the aggrivasion of the net could have started this), but a good tounge lashing to the store may make you feel better :D.. the tank temp should be at 87F, increase the temp gradually, add salt and an airstone to help with breathing, keep it there for 1 week after the last white spot is seen. then very gradually bring the tank temperature back down. and do a PWC.
I agree with Wizard on the actions that you need to take. It's best to start the "curing" process as soon as possible to prevent the deaths of your other fish. If I were you I would promptly go back to the lfs and give them a good lashing about selling you infected fish. Who knows, you may get store credit or they may offer you something. :D

Props to you for taking action quickly.
I agree with Wizzard~of~ozz also -- you need to raise the water temperature to 87 degrees. I wouldn't take the neons back. Ich, when caught early like you have, is easily treatable. But I would tell the store about it.

Since you added the tetras in with your other fish, the whole tank must be treated using higher temps, and salt if you can. Also, do a water change daily -- this will help remove the parasite in its free-swimming stage. The gravel vacs will help remove them at the cyst stage in the gravel.

Here's an article on ich from our articles section:
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