Heater/Air conditioner Vent?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 12, 2004
Southern IL
Hey guys, I'm trying to pick a good place for my new 29gal tank and I keep running into problems.

The first place I thought of is about 4 feet away from a heater vent, another place I considered is about that distance from a window unit air conditioner.

I know putting it too close to either of these will cause temperature fluctuations, but how close is too close? If I point the heater vent away from the tank will it be ok 4 feet away? Would shutting off the vent help (even when shut off some air still gets through)

This old house has fairly limited choices... in several places the ol floor is gettin pretty weak, and others dont have any electrical outlets nearby...

While I would not reccomend it, my 26g tank is about 2 feet from a Rinnai heater and 4 feet from an air conditioner. I have a chair setup in front of the heater to deflect the blast of hot air away from the tank. Without this chair in place, hot air can and will raise the temp of the tank water. I keep my place pretty cool so the heater would does run constantly, I never had a problem with the tank getting too hot myself as long as the deflector is there.

The heater in the tank can keep the tank at a warm temp much better than the A/C can cool off the room, so I have no worries there with the A/C freezing the tank no matter how much I run it.
If it was wintertime I'd set up the tank next to the heater vent for a week or so and closely monitor the temperature without fish in it to see if it fluxuates with the furnace kicking on and off.... but in may we don't have much need for the furnace :lol:

The spot next to the heater vent is really the only prime spot for it (easily accessable and easily seen from anywhere in the livingroom) So I guess I'll go ahead and set it up there... if it seems to be a problem when winter gets here I may have to make a cover for the vent or move the tank.
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