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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 22, 2004
Camarillo CA
Hi guys, so i'm new here, and pretty new to Aquariums in general.
i've been browsing around here for a few days and have been overwhelmed with information. so i figured it was time to introduce myself,
I live in Camarillo CA, about an hour north of LA, am a college student, work blah blah blah...
also let me pre-apologize for all the noob questions i will be more then likely asking :)
Right now i have a 10 gal and a little 5 gal.
I am still setting up the 10 gal still planting it, and deciding what type of fish,
and in the little 5 gal i just have goldfish in there, and those things are troopers i've had them forever!!!
I'm also thinking of attempting to go with a marine reef set up, there just to cool looking, but that probably wont be for a while.

so here are pics of my tanks, i would love any suggestions.


[center:f22e3dbbef] :smilecolros: Welcome to AA, SGNL_5! :n00b: [/center:f22e3dbbef]

Well, I'll be the first one to give you advice that you were not seeking :wink:
Even though you have had those goldfish "forever," they will not reach their full size or expected lifespan in such a small tank. Goldies need and deserve 10 gallons a piece for growth and also due to their messy nature.
I can't tell what kind of filter you are using, or how often you clean their tank from that pic, but you must be doing something right! However, IMO, before you go with a marine reef, invest in a larger tank for your current finned friends. The classifieds and papers like Bargain Finders or Penny Savers often have used tanks for great prices.
thanks for the advice Menageri. i will definately plan to get a bigger tank. yeah right now there is a little whisper, internal? filter i think its what they're called, and i do 10% water changes every other week.
thanks again for the advice,
Keep on top of the water parameters and your fish will thank you! They will love you when you get a bigger tank :wink:
yeah, so i actually decided to go a little different route after all. I'm gonna move the goldfish into the 10 gal. Then set a long 20 gal tank. hopefully i will be able wo pick one up by the end of the week and start on building the hood.
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