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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 26, 2012
Right now my husband and I have a 55 gallon freshwater chiclid tank that we really enjoy. I'm getting a 54 gallon for the angel fish we have in the other tank. I'm planning on this one being a planted tank. I'm so excited about it, I've been researching and planning for awhile, so I'm looking foreward to learning even more here. But let's see, other then the fish we have 2 wonderful, curious, little boys, and a beagle.
Welcome! I too have a beagle. One of the smartest pooches I've ever had. But a needy little turd.
Savage... Our beagle is a needy little turd lol. That dog destroys so much cause he's still chewing on EVERYTHING. I don't know why it surprises me. The punk destroyed a $20 doggie bed for his crate in 10 minutes. Drives us nuts, but we love him to death.
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