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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 22, 2004
i seem to have this brown algae taking over my tank. is this good or bad? anybody?
No need for concern. Diatoms (brown micro-algae) are quite normal in newly set up or cycling tanks. Part of the growing pains so to speak. Once the nutrient in the system (primarily silicates) are used up, the algae will crash on it's own. As long as new silicates are not re-introduced you should have no issues. Be sure to use pure water such as RO and watch the types of food you use for fish. The biggest contributor is primarily tap water.

FWIW : Buy a couple of snails for the glass and some hermit crabs for the sand and you will be fine - I was recommended to have about 1 crab/snail per 5 gallons of water. Also if you're lucky your pods will tackle some of it too!
True on the above advice but be very sure the tank has finished cycling before you purchase any type of invertebrates. No NH3 or NO2 should be detectable and also ensure you do a large water change (25-40%) after the cycle completes to bring down any remaining nitrates and bring chem back into balance.

Be sure to >>drip acclimate<< inverts for several hours.

Just FYI. After my tank has cycled, we introduced a Kole Tang and she had fun finishing off all of the diatoms, if it is a fish on your livestock list, it is highly recommended for controlling algae.. actually, tangs are mostly great algae eaters, yellow tang, scopas etc. Look into how big these things grow before you buy them and make sure u have enough room in your tank to keep them until they grow. My turbo snails help clean the glass too.

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