Help completing my tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 15, 2005
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I've had my tank for over a month now, and things are going great...even after an initial bout of ick. I've being thinking about how I want to finish stocking the tank (15gal), and I would appreciate some suggestions. I have two cardinal tetras and two cherry barbs, and I would like to get one more type of fish to act as the centrepiece.

It would be nice if it was medium sized (2-4in), preferred the upper water column and was relatively active during the day. My first thoughts were to get a pair of angels, but I'm not sure if I like them or not. Anyone have any other suggestions?
what size is your tank? tetras and cherry barbs both do well in schools of 6 or more... but if you have a small tank i would have at least 3 of each.
Medium sized fish- Dwarf Gouramis are great and they like to go to the tope becuase they breath air from the surface with their labrynth organ.
I think betta's are a good centrepeice.

Bright and elegant and the ones ive seen all stay at the top. Mine likes to think he's boss so drifts about at all areas.

Ha! the second a loach gives him a look he's long gone!
Sorry, forgot to mention the tank is a 15gal.

I guess another option I have is to increase the number of tetras to get a school instead of getting another type of fish. Hmmm, choices. :)
i think in a 15 gallon you have enough room to increas your tetras to a school of 5 and your cherry barbs to a school of 5. OR you could take out the cherry barbs , up the school of tetras and get a centerpiece fish.
Thanks Ashley...some of the Dwarf Gouramislook really nice. I'll check them out at the lfs and see if I like them. Maybe I'll get another tetra and barb too just to round out their numbers at three each.

I hadn't thought about bettas...I thought they were very aggressive? Would bettas be alright with my tetras and barbs?
i would really ... if i was you.. the tetras or barbs would thrive better if you just picked one but they will do ok at 3 each.
Don't know ifyou want to put a betta with its long flowing fins in with barbs.. even though cherry barbs are less nippy, you don't have a very big school and i just don't think they could resist the long flowing fins of a betta.
I think dwarf gouram is a good choice for you.
i agree that barbs will nip at the betta. personally i'd get rid of the barbs, up the tetras to 6 and get a gourami. but that's just me :)
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