help fish got ick and i got a question

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 6, 2005
Holly and Marquette Michigan
my fish got ick so heres what i plan to do i am raising the temp up to about 86 and im useing quick cure but i recently got a pleco and i was wondering if i should move him to my other tank or should i leave him in there and use the full dose or should i use like half the dose. please let me know. thanks
Just raise the temp. Don't use the meds the temperature rise alone will take care of the problem. Plecos are sensitive to ick meds. If you do decide to use it either dose half or remove him. Take your AC out if you do go with the meds.

But I just wanted to say again, just raise the temp, that is all you need to do.
I had ICH in my tank few months ago. Rase the temp up to 86 at a slow rate then drop your water level so you will get some surface agatation or add a airstone for extra oxygen in the water while the temp is raised. I did this for 3 weeks and the ich was gone I also didnt loose any fish during the heat treatment HTH.
There is a fantastic article on ich in the Articles section. I highly recommend the heat and salt treatment.
If using the salt method, then I would adivise you to remove the Pleco. HTH
ok i decided to use the salt and heat method but i want to move the pleco to the other tank but i have fish in there would it move the ick over to the other tank and infect the other fish?
It very well could. I would go with straight heat and leave the Pleco in the tank. Just heat will work.
I too believe I have an ick problem. I went through this a few months back when several of my silver dollars got the ick...I did use meds but only a half treatment and raising the water temp really did the trick I think. Now however, my silver dollars are gone and my new puffer is the one with the ick problem...I think. Nobody else in the tank seems to be affected at all, but my little guy is covered in the tiny white spots, and they aren't floating off his body like bubbles. Before I medicate or put salt in are there any precautions I should take for this guy? This is the first puffer I've had so I want to treat him right....btw he is a freshwater Amazon puffer.

I also have a pleco, pearl gourami, tiger barb, and dwarf gourami.

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