Help guppy fry coming

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Help i think my guppy is in labour she is pooing alot please tell me is that a sign of labour or just tell me any sign of labour

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Excessive "pooing" is a sign she ate a lot of food. When the fish is getting ready to birth her fry, you will notice the dark spot in her abdomen ( which is the actual eggs) will start to turn a lighter color as the fry mature inside her. You will also notice her abdomen turn a more "squared" figure more than rounded.
From your pictures, I'd say she is not ready yet. But pictures don't always tell the whole story. Are you sure she was pregnant? ( I have 5 guaranteed virgin females whose "gravid" spots are much larger than the one in your fish. These are just their eggs however.) How long has she been in the trap? Are there other fish in the tank she is delivering into? Are there a lot of plants in this tank? ( I see some but not the whole tank.) All these factors can stop a guppy from delivering her fry. Guppies like privacy for delivery. Are you giving that to her?

Hope this helps. (y)

I found this video that might help.
She has time, but it appears she is in the early stages of development. A couple weeks (give or take), and she will be gettting close.
She doesn't look like she is "boxed" that video is great I used it months ago to tell if my guppy was ready... Just feed her regularly pregnant mommas are super hungry. She looks like she's probably still got a little while

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Also you might wanna clean out the bottom of that breeder box looks a little pooey

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