Help! Ick in planted tank!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 15, 2003
Ottawa, Canada
Hello all,

I got some new tetras the other day and they are developping ick. None of my other fish have it. I have 6 other tetras and around 6 guppies in my 29gal tank.

My problem is that I don't think I can use any of the medications because I have a planted tank and don't want to lose all my plants that I've worked hard with.

So I tried catching the infected tetras and isolating them (I know I should've done this before) ... but it's almost impossible to catch them without wrecking all my plants.

Any ideas? I've considered raising the temperature like I've seen in the articles but I'm not sure if that'll be good for my plants of my tetras. All my tetras are from 72-80F only ... but it's recommended that 86F kills off the ick.

I'm not sure if I want to go that high in temperature.

Do you guys think that since my fish are healthy, they'll be able to fight off the ick cycle and it'll pass?

Please help!
I talked to my LFS people and they recommended "Quick Cure". They said it would be fine for my live plants. Anybody have reason for me not to believe them?


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