Help id this algae and thing...

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 13, 2013
I have these two types of algae in a few areas. Any ideas

I also have seen three of these small clear things, the this is the largest one but it is "closed up". When it is "opened" its has clear tentacles. any ideas


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it can be siphoned out during water change just place hose to it and suck it up sometimes you may need to scrape it with hose to loosen it
I had the red algae once before, turbo snails took care of it for me. The last pic looks somewhat like a pineapple sponge. Look it up on google and see, if so they are harmless.

Is there anything other than turbo snails because they are really clumsy and id rather not spend the money and he then do shortly?

Yes i have googled "pineapple sponge" and i do believe mine are tinny ones of those. People say that it is harmless minus the fact that they sprea and can clog plumbing. What are your thoughts
Okay i think i will get some next time i am at my lfs. Wb astrea snails, i have some of them and would they eat the algae
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