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I've been reading in advance how to remove them.. Have any advice? I read lemon juice... And some chemicals from lfs.
This one is in a good spot. I would use Kalkwasser, mixed into a thick paste. I would use a syringe less the steel tip to administer it. Once it closes up around the glob I put in the center, I would cover the remainder in more kalk paste.
kalkwasser can be found at the LFS. It's a powder used to keep some parameters stable. You can find syringes online very easily. Both kalk and syringes are good to have around in this hobby.
Thanks everyone for replying. I was lucky enough that when I lifted that little piece of live rock, it was attached to it. I just ended up tossing it in the trash because I didn't want to take any chances of it splitting or falling apart in my tank. Small price to pay for peace of mind. Sorry for the late reply, I've been busy setting up a seahorse tank!! Do you guys know how to sex them?
I have about a year and a half under my belt, and I see this being life long so yes I'm fairly new.

I would probably wait on the seahorses then, up to you though. Seahorses don't really have stomachs, so they require constant feedings. Once they start to starve, they almost never recover. As far as your question goes- males will have the pouch- even if they've recently given birth, you can still kind of see it compared with the female's flat stomach.
It's tank bred and has been thriving in my tank. She even lets me feed her off the baster. I believe it's a she as I see no pouch.
It's tank bred and has been thriving in my tank. She even lets me feed her off the baster. I believe it's a she as I see no pouch.

oh- my mistake, I thought you were setting up a seahorse tank and then buying the horses, I didn't know you already had them.
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