Help IDing This Cichlid (PICS)

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 19, 2007
Amherstburg, Ontario
Pics ---I bought it under the name Texas cichlid but I know itls not that...I bought it when it was younger for like $4.99 and at the time i just assumed it was a Texas.


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definitely not a texas.
looks to me like a. thomasi (african butterfly cichlid).
I thought it looked like a geophagus genus. But I couldn't narrow it down to which one. I have some geophagus and they look similar but not identical. The african butterfly cichlid does look very similar indeed.
I'm soooo mad about this...URGH...The LFS sold this to me under a Texas cichlid...I bought it when it was very small and even suggested to the LFS guy that I didn't think it was a Texas. He assured me that it was, and that when it grew bigger and developed it would surely be a Texas. I guess this is also my mistake, but I was just excited becasue I always wanted a Texas. I will never go back to the store. I just donlt know what to do with the fish, it's not really suited for my tank.
Jones2w, as you judged correctly, neither a butterfly or a geophagous (if it is indeed one) is suitable for your tank.
Zagz, just an observation. typically with geos, being eartheaters, the mouth is situated further down the head, unlike the pix here.
triazole said:
Jones2w, as you judged correctly, neither a butterfly or a geophagous (if it is indeed one) is suitable for your tank.
Zagz, just an observation. typically with geos, being eartheaters, the mouth is situated further down the head, unlike the pix here.

so what are you suggesting?
My gut reaction is saying "Bolivian Ram" hybrid or something from the earth-eater family too...
the fish that you already have in your tank will continue to stress this guy out as they mature. so the best thing (if you want to keep it at present ) would be to keep a close watch, and pull it out if need be. otherwise i'd suggest transferring it to a different tank, or taking it back.
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