help... I'm moving...

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 6, 2012
Hey guys.. I'm moving on very short notice and I'm scared for my fish! Can anyone give me some advice on how to go about this? I have no buckets or fish bags.. I only have plastic food containers and huge mixing bowls.. lol I can't save any of the water.... I'm freaking out.. any ideas? I have a 44 pentagon with 13 neons, 1 black skirt, and 1 red tail rasbora and a 55 gal with 2 rainbow sharks... Am I destined for casualties? :-/
With any move you should be prepared for some casualties but hope for the best. Knowing how far the move is will definitely help. I just recently moved from Mississippi to southern California with all my fish.
Oh, my move is really close... Like 10-15 minutes away... I just can't save any of,my water, just what I'm keeping my fish in and my filter media!
They should be fine. If you think how far have your fish come on the plane it took to get to the Lfs. I wouldnt worry about that trip. I've had fish in bags from the pet store for a 2 hour drive before and all was well.
Hi , don't worry about not moving your water , as long as your filter media is still wet it should keep all the good bacteria and when you put fresh water in make sure to put your water conditioner in and it should be fine. , api stress coat would be good as it helps relax the fish after being stressed with move , cheers Andy
I would try to save at least a cupful of tank water to sit the filter media in, cleaned plastic food containers should work, just rinse them out really well with plain hot water to get any left over soap residue out and don't forget to dechlorinate the new water in the tank before you add the media back in. Hope your move goes well and smoothly.
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