Help me ID this?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 14, 2012
Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of it or ask what it was called when I was at the pet store but this plant was gorgeous and not for sale.
It's a very tall plant with small rounded leaves that are close to the stalk. The stalk itself was green, fairly thick and sturdy. The plant was completely straight in the water and there wasn't any branching. So each stem went straight up and down with leaves on it. It was so green and smooth I almost thought it was fake. Can someone help me narrow down what it might be? The roads are too icey to drive back :(
Sounds like it could be some sort of sword plant...Maybe an Amazon Sword? Some crypts and Java Fern can get big as well, but their leaves aren't as straight as a Sword plant.
A bacopa species maybe? Lobelia cardinalis? Kinda flying blind here.

It's the Bacopa! Thank you! (Flying blind but flying well, my friend) I called the store and they didn't know what it was either -_-;

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