Help me put together the perfect luxury home for a Betta.

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Also, your RO water and tank water probably have different pH levels. Remember that you want him acclimated to the pH of the tank as well as temp of the tank.
What I need to know is if the water of the aquariumis safe as it is to the fish. I believe nitrites are coming from Seachem solutions that are vital to the plants. If the answer is yes, I will introduce the fish to this water (and he will aclimate to PH, nitrites, etc). If the water is bad, I got a gallon of "betta fish water", I can have him on a 1/2 gallon bowl until I figure out something.
What I need to know is if the water of the aquariumis safe as it is to the fish. I believe nitrites are coming from Seachem solutions that are vital to the plants. If the answer is yes, I will introduce the fish to this water (and he will aclimate to PH, nitrites, etc). If the water is bad, I got a gallon of "betta fish water", I can have him on a 1/2 gallon bowl until I figure out something.

I think you're over complicating it a bit.

Yes, rivercats was right. Use RO water for top offs.

The nitrites are not coming from the fertilizers. Your tank is still cycling. He should be fine with the fish in cycle, just keep up on daily water changes until your tests show 0 ammo, 0 nitrite, and about 10-20 nitrates. Just float the cup to match the temps, then add about a shot glass of tank water every 10 minutes for an hour. Once that is complete, net him out and let him free. He'll be just fine through the cycle.
Yes I am, and I opted to have my source of ammonia being the fish (fish in cycle). Brian used his betta as the source on his 6g and AFAIK, most bettas live for 3 years swimming in water that most fish would die in 24 hrs.
Yes I am, and I opted to have my source of ammonia being the fish (fish in cycle). Brian used his betta as the source on his 6g and AFAIK, most bettas live for 3 years swimming in water that most fish would die in 24 hrs.

Alright, cool. Just makin sure... ;) can't wait to see this little guy in his new home! :)
Just another note, the ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates in your tank water are most likely coming from your tap. Once the tank has cycled it won't be a problem, though. As it will be processed my the benificial bacteria. You might want to test your tap water, just to confirm this.
I have my phone on a 10 minute timer, and every cycle I add 30ml (about 1oz) of aquarium water right after removing about the same of his crappy water. Water temp. Is 78F, and his little fins are very active. He already ate 3 pellets and 1 bloodworm. Once he is in, I will learn more about how to improve the diet. I am in Florida, any body of water and I can have a zoo of mosquito biodiversity. I place my finger in the water and he doesn't freak out with my presence as last night. He is associating my image with positive reinforcement (food, water quality, visually stimulating stuff). He is a neat little guy, makes me sad that I can't do this to all bettas, but makes me happy that I can still have an impact on other fish once I promote what I have done to this one. Nice Sunday, that's for sure.
And here we go. Quite funny to see him going down and doing nothing, just enjoying his freedom.


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And this is my tap water. Nitrites are coming from the chemicals, that's for sure now.


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In 20 minutes? Today I did a 50% water change, added the chemicals and tested the water. If 20 minutes passed, I would be surprised...
I had the tank with daily doses of ferts for 11 days with no water changes. I did not test the water prior to the adition of ferts.
It IS extremely odd. I find it hard to believe that a small amount of ammonia in tap water could kick start your cycle... But I also find it hard to believe that the ferts could do the same or spike nitrite... It is quite a mystery. I might do some experiments tonight... Haha
Well, the fish seems to be very fine. If it is coming from ferts, it will not get any higher than what we had today. As amonia comes from the fish, BB will kick in. So it is all from where we are to better water quality I guess...
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