Help me stock my tanks!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 13, 2017
Alright.... so I'm originally from a forum called fishlore but the mods are constantly pestering me over and over and in tired of it so I'm switching forums...........

Anyways I have leftover tanks and I'm looking to stock them ^.^

Current stocked tanks:
5 gallon - breeding rcs
33 gallon - 5 honey gourami, 2 sparkling gourami, pair of apistogamma, 6 false julii cories, 1 amano shrimp, 2 mystery snails
25 gallon - breeding rarer livebearers and BN Plecos
10 gallon - clown killifish, and veil tail cichlid
29 gallon - 5 boseman rainbows (do they need a bigger tank or is 29 big enough?)

Unstocked cycling tanks:
75 gallon - was thinking a brackish tank.... any suggestions?
10 gallon - was thinking 4 scarlet badis and mixed neocardina shrimp
5.5 gallon - was thinking of breeding black and white bumblebee shrimp

Tell me what you all think and what I have to or should change :)
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