Help needed for my platy

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 8, 2012
My platy is really unwell and I don't know what I should be doing.

First of all she looked a really young fish when i got her but appeared pregnant and soon enough she gave birth, she wasn't in a breeding tank or anything just in the same community tank and I have 1 baby. However since then she has just got worse.

Within days of given birth she was isolated in the tank, always on her own even though I have another male and female platy. She wasn't swimming about as much as before and it may seem strange but just looked sad.

After a week she started swimming strangely, which ended up basically vertical. I looked for different symptoms and everything else about her seem fine. Fins are perfect and movement good. She would move about and swim fine only when she stopped this happened. I fed the tank with peas hoping that this could help and for about 2 days she looked great and swimming with the other platy's.

But yesterday she started isolating herself again and swimming almost vertical when in the one place, but today other signs are more noticeable. She is really skinny, which makes her gill area/head look abnormal when really its how thin she is. She is at the bottom of the tank on her own and I am extremly worried for her.

Could this all be because of the stress of giving birth or something else.

Please help.
She is wasting. Does it have an unbalenced look? This is usually caused by bullying or no acsess to food. Keep me Posted.
HI, thanks for your reply.
When she swim's she seems fine, just when she stops she goes upright so could say she's off balance. When it is feeding time she comes straight to the top so I don't think its food thats the problem but then it doesn't explain why she is so slim.

I could believe its bullying as the male platy will not leave the other female alone and the other female is alot bigger than her and its as if she's not welcomed. And the other 2 platy's prefer to be together. Although I read that it is best to get at least 2 females to 1 male and thought that they would be ok but doesn't seem to be.

She is still alive so really strange that if she was ill or anything that she would still be surviving that's why i'm so confused.
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