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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 16, 2011
Hot Springs AR
Okay so right now i have a 85Gallon Flatback Hexagon tank. It's not great.. not horrible. Tring to figure out what kinda lights I need to get on it to grow plants. Might even consider trading it back into my LFS for a 75Gallon ... standard size lol. Or maybe even a 55g. The only problem is I have 2 Black Ghost Knife fish on order for my center piece fish. Any tips on tanks or ideas? I am doing a planted tank no matter what. And my BGK fish are only 2-3inches right now. But I am looking into long term homing them. But we will be moving within the next 3years or so.. Because my fiance is in college. And we will move once more after her 4yrs at the 2nd college. Then maybe finally settling down somewhere lol. So I'd rather not get a HUGE tank that I'd have to move quiet a few times lol. I was going to buy 135G but that's just to much to be moving time and time. So my 2nd main questions in all this ramble is.. to house 2 BGK fish.. could they make it in a 55G, or a 75G or should I try to keep the 85G hex and just find better lights? Please help!
How long is the 85g? Because if the 75g is a better footprint, like I think it might be, I would go with that. Easier to find lighting and more room for the BGKs.
Well honestly I don't have a tapemeasure.. BUT I have a 4ft light strip on the INSIDE of the tank.. (it has a built on hood.. from previous owner) and it still has about half a inch on either side. So if I was a better man I'd say its between 48-50inches Length wise. And it's got to be a good foot and a half in depth. Now height I'm not so sure about.. I'd have to look at it better. But I'll try to get some pics of the current tank and maybe even a tape measure ;D lol.
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