Help! RCS dying :(

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jcolon said:
Same here, I opened my canister a few days back to check if any got sucked in, thankfully no.

Yeah, I looked everyday.. Never saw any in there.. I did find a dead one bout 30 mins ago.. This time I pulled it out to check, it was dead in my moss, it wasn't a molt.. I'm not sure if the last ones were molts or not..
Another question, how do I see how soft the water is?

You'll need to purchase a test kit for that. They are not expensive. Like this: Aquarium Water Testing: Aquarium Pharmaceuticals GH/KH Test Kit The link also has a nice explanation of the terms used in the "More Information" section.

Most inverts need at least some hardness for their growth to proceed normally. Though the shrimp experts could tell you exactly what levels are ok.

With your low Ph I was wondering if your water was also very soft which may have an effect on them.
I just got a test kit for GH & KH, & I put a seashell in my filter to try & raise it a little.. Thinking it would help.. & when I get home I'll test everything again..
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