help!! sick clown fish!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 22, 2012
Geneva, Il
My fish captain howdy is sick! He's a clown fish. Just two days ago I started to notice little white spots on his fins. Which i recognized as ich since i have treated him before for it. I went out and bought the medication. Used it for two days now. He looked the same. Came home tonight and he looks terrible! He's in a 12 by himself. The salt level temp. And everything are where they are supposed to be. I even porformed a 25% water change. He looks like hes loosing color he lost most of his tail fin over night apparently ans some of his dorsal fin also. Someone help please. Captain howdy is my favorite fish what do i do!?
unfortunately i woke up the morning after posting this, and he had passed away..i dont know what happend! he was perfectly healthy and at the first sign of white spots i started treating for ich and testing the water, and even did a water change, i looked at him closely after he passed and he was missing his entire tail almost. how could something progress so quickly after being such a healthy fish for such a long time? :-/
KatyKat said:
unfortunately i woke up the morning after posting this, and he had passed away..i dont know what happend! he was perfectly healthy and at the first sign of white spots i started treating for ich and testing the water, and even did a water change, i looked at him closely after he passed and he was missing his entire tail almost. how could something progress so quickly after being such a healthy fish for such a long time? :-/

It sounds like oodinium. It can kill extremely fast and like ich will have tiny little specs in the trophont stage. It's extremely fatal and it can spread to other fish. I only say that because of how quickly it died. If it had a lot of slime stuff on it, it was probably brooklynella. The two are hard to discern but oodinium won't have the slime.
My fish captain howdy is sick! He's a clown fish. Just two days ago I started to notice little white spots on his fins. Which i recognized as ich since i have treated him before for it. I went out and bought the medication. Used it for two days now. He looked the same. Came home tonight and he looks terrible! He's in a 12 by himself. The salt level temp. And everything are where they are supposed to be. I even porformed a 25% water change. He looks like hes loosing color he lost most of his tail fin over night apparently ans some of his dorsal fin also. Someone help please. Captain howdy is my favorite fish what do i do!?

yea that sounds about right. and thats funny you say that because i added a damsel to the tank about a month ago who died very suddenly. same symptoms. i figured he had ich (like most fish from the store do) so after he passes, at the first sign of my clown having an issue i started treatment. now can you tell me if my tank would be contaminated with this stil? if so what can i do to fix that. also how do i deal with this situation if it arises again?
KatyKat said:
yea that sounds about right. and thats funny you say that because i added a damsel to the tank about a month ago who died very suddenly. same symptoms. i figured he had ich (like most fish from the store do) so after he passes, at the first sign of my clown having an issue i started treatment. now can you tell me if my tank would be contaminated with this stil? if so what can i do to fix that. also how do i deal with this situation if it arises again?

Yes, you are contaminated and will need to treat it with a copper based medication. Do the white spots look like grains of salt? Or does it look more like a fine grain of sand? Can you take a pic?
KatyKat said:
yea that sounds about right. and thats funny you say that because i added a damsel to the tank about a month ago who died very suddenly. same symptoms. i figured he had ich (like most fish from the store do) so after he passes, at the first sign of my clown having an issue i started treatment. now can you tell me if my tank would be contaminated with this stil? if so what can i do to fix that. also how do i deal with this situation if it arises again?

Okay, here is a pretty decent article regarding what you may have:
If he is swimming around ok and not laying at the bottom, you can do a freshwater dip. I hate doing them and don't like to recommend that anyone does typically however, if you truly do have brooklynella or oodinium, the survival rate is not high. I'm not saying you can't cure it, it depends on how advanced it is. If you are interested in doing it let me know and I will tell you how. Here is a link you can read for it in the meantime. I wouldn't dip him too long. 3-5 minutes as the first article states.

If you do it, make sure to change out the water in your QT. That water is contaminated.

You will hate me when I tell you how to get it out of your tank...:(. Don't get to discouraged as we have all been there. I had one ich outbreak years ago before I started to QT that wiped out hundreds of dollars worth of fish. Just crazy!

I copied and pasted from a site because it was a lot to type! So here is how you will have to get rid of it

Reinfection will occur no matter how effectively the fish have been treated if the organisms are not eradicated from the main aquarium. Because they require a fish host to survive, this can be accomplished by keeping the tank devoid of any fish for at least four weeks. For fish-only aquariums hyposalinity can be applied during this period of time, and the tank temperature elevated to 85 to 90 degrees to speed up the life cycle of the organisms, which will help to eliminate all cysts and dinospores in three weeks. (Go with 4 because that's what I've always heard before).

You will need to clean your substrate really well. I would thoroughly clean all of my equipment including power heads. When I had the ich breakout I soaked all my stuff for a few hours in chlorinated water then soaked in dechlorinated. You won't need to do this though until you are done with the wait period. The parasite has to run through the life cycle until its finished.
Boo! That does stink. But its better to do that than have this happen again. Thank you so much for your help!
KatyKat said:
Boo! That does stink. But its better to do that than have this happen again. Thank you so much for your help!

It does! :(. For a long time after, anytime I bought a fish I would QT them for 3 weeks and treat them with ich meds. My two black and white clowns just came out of QT last night for my other tank. i bought them 4 weeks ago and would of had them out sooner but things come up! Also, stay away from that store. The parasites have a "free swimming" stage. That means that any tanks on the same water source are contaminated. I would order fish and QT them before buying there again.

Post and keep me updated! Maybe the freshwater dip will help!
im sorry i thought u saw in my second post that he had already passed :-/
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