Help! Suddenly lethargic, frayed tailed BETTA!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 25, 2011
Hello all.

I hope you can help my crowntailed betta Phelps. He is normally very energetic and from what I can tell, happy. However I had an ich scare with one of my other betta and I tried to take preventative measures with Phelps in his tank because I use the same net and feeding stick in both. I added Aquarium Salt, and Bettafix to both tanks.

Also Phelp's water heater stopped working so I went to Petsmart to replace it, however they did not have the same one I had been using which seemed to be doing fine. They were both 10 watt aquarium heaters, but the new one I think made the water wayyyy too warm.

I woke up this morning to check on Phelps and he was hiding behind his bridge which he normally sleeps under. He has been very lethargic lately but this morning I noticed his fins were frayed a little. He normally extends his fins fully but they have been folded all day... I tried putting a mirror in front of him, normally he flares and goes crazy but when I tried a few minutes ago he just kind of looked at it.

He was overfed by my fishsitter when I was one vaction two weeks ago, (he ate a whole 7 day feeder in less than 4 days! :0) But I fasted him for the whole week and fed him very small snacks so I don't think that is the problem!

PLEASE HELP PHELPS!!! I'm very worried because he is normally the most active of all my bettas.

His setup is a 1.5 gallon tank with a golden mystery snail that has been with him since he moved in.

Here are before and after shots. Phelps when he was healthy, and Phelps now.... please help us!





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