Help with identifying this fish

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 9, 2012
Hi guys! I have a beautiful tank set up at my job and I was wondering if you could tell me what kind of fish this is- its Freshwater and housed with 2 large Angelfish and 4 Cherry Barbs.


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It looks like a tin foil barb. Them things get huge! They're supposed to be in a school but I would rehouse it immediately.
Thanks :) I never knew- and it's at my job. They've been there for 5 years- so I'm going to assume they're ok!
+1 tin foil barb. They can grow over 1 ft long and require a large tank, approx 300g.
No Mohican it isn't! I have a 37g and a 5g and it's the same length and height as my 37g.
They seem fine to me ATM but I've been there for 1.5 years and they've been there since the day I started ( and I know they weren't that big then bc I didn't notice them)
The residents love the tank- they're always sitting by it and talking about the 2 big fish lol
I'll have to mention it to the person who cares for the tank.
Yeah if you keep them in that small of a tank for too long then they might get stunted, which drastically shortens the lifespan of the fish. I recommend moving it to a much bigger aquarium.
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