Help with my betta please!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 12, 2017
Yesterday morning I was looking at Willard, and noticed some clear bubbles below his "chin", kind of close to his gills. When I tried shining light on it, I couldn't see them but did notice, what I believe to be more than usual, gold specks. He has been acting completely normal, except yesterday I noticed him flash a few times and he hasn't been eating as much as before.... But he's still wanting food both morning and night. Take a look at some pics.... Please let me know what you think! Thanks.

Also, what's everyone's opinion on aquarium salt? I read somewhere that aquarium salt and blackout the tank with warmer temps does the trick.... if he has velvet like I was kinda thinking?

Update, I added a tsp of aquarium salt last night with the water change (API aquarium salt, the directions call for a half tsp per gallon) and Willard seems happy and very vibrantly colored! Although, while watching his tank a few mins ago, I noticed a clear, air bubble looking formation go swimming across the tank in jolt-like motions. Like something you'd see in science. The filter is off. It looked like one the bubbles I saw on Willard, causing all this concern! Any suggestions? I don't have a test kit. I have had the tank for about 3 weeks now. It's a 2.5 gallon with a mini waterfall kind of filter. There is only the 1 fish, Willard the betta in the tank. I've had him for about a month. He's about 2"long. I did, forever, add a new plastic plant I ordered off eBay a few days ago. I feed Willard Omega One Beta Buffet Flakes. We started that food last week. Before that, I was using Tetra Tropical Crisps. Any and all advice is appreciated. Thanks!
- The first picture is of the weird glitter like specks floating around when the filter is on. Maybe from using API Betta Water Conditioner.. Cause of the aloe in it??? Not sure really.... Water is clear when filter is off.
- Pictures 2-4 are with the flash on, wondering if that could be velvet or iridescence?

Looks ok. Is he still eating and no clamped fins or flashing? Sometimes they will flash after eating or if water needs changing.
Hello, thanks for responding! He's doing ok I think. Eating, yes and no clamped fins. I just cleaned his gravel (I don't have a vacuum, so I saved a good 30% or more of his water, took his gravel and mixed in with some new I had)... Didn't rinse the old, I heard it traps good bacteria, and just put him back in his tank! He seems happy! His moss balls are floating and he's very intrigued by that lol

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