Help with my tank please

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flying fox

Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 29, 2004
worthing, uk
HI there. I have a 3ft tank un planted i have tested all the levels today but am not sure what the results mean as i am new to this can you help please.

NO3 = 50
NO2 = 0
GH = >16 d
KH = 15 d
Ph = 8.0

Please can you tell me if this is ok and if not what i can do to rectify the problem. (in simple terms please)

Many thanks
Your levels all look perfect. NO3 is a little high (don't want it above 40) so just do a a water change. how often do you do them? it should be weekly.

the only test that's missing is an ammonia test... NH3. Do you have one for that? Based on your numbers I'm sure it's fine, but it's the biggest one to worry about.

Your water is kinda hard. Would have an effect on the kind of fish you want to keep.
put up a detailed description of the type of fish you want or have, how long the tanks been running type of filtration ,the flow amount, lighting type etc, and many here can and will help
Welcome to AA, Flying Fox!

I will second the above and reiterate that the nitrate is a bit on the high side (ready for a water change) and would assume you have a cycled tank so there is likely zero ammonia, but that ought to be tested to get the full picture.

What has prompted you to post the question? Specific details of trouble you may be having will be helpful.
[center:9be7c90db6] :smilecolros: Welcome to AA, flying fox! :n00b: [/center:9be7c90db6]
You have great water for African cichlids :D
Do you already have fish in the tank?
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