Help?? With new fish??

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 14, 2012
Have 1 female platy 1 male platy 2 female guppy and 1 female Molly and 1 rain bow shark.. I wanted to add more fish but colorful ones any ideas on what I can put in my tank?? 65 gallon
There are a ton of options. Tetras come in all shapes sizes and colors. I would suggest neon tetras or cardinals both very beautiful. Also all kinds of rainbow fish the Madagascar rainbow being my favorite. I would also suggest upping the mollies, platys, and guppies to 1male/3female ratio to prevent bullying. Maybe some swordtails as well. The shark may become a problem later on because he will get pretty big compared to your other stock.
Thanks for all the advice and yea the shark has killed to of my fish already I need to get him out
Also, Zebra Danios are very active and fun to watch. They would be a great addition to the tank. But like you said, you need to get rid of the rainbow shark.
How many would I have to get or would one do ok? On the Zebra Danios?
Wow you did your research. I wish I did that more. When I started out I had 6 male guppies and a couple females. in a 29. I feel sorry.
How many would I have to get or would one do ok? On the Zebra Danios?

Zebra Danios have to be in schools. Preferably 6 or more. And since you have so much room you could have a lot more. Also, if you're going for color, you could get a school of zebra danios and a school of GloFish, which are just genetically modified Zebra Danios. They're just as active and fun to watch as the original ones. There's a little bit of a debate on whether or not GloFish are as hardy as Zebra Danios, but it seems as if GloFish are any less hardy, it's not by much. So you should be OK.
Ok thanks so I could do like 5 Zebra Danios and 4 neon tetras?
I would go six and six the more there are the more active they will be you have a ton of room in that tank so they will be really happy.
Ok thanks I'm going out today to get the first school of Zebra Danios.. So there's defenetly no sharks at all that I can put in??
Probably not they all get pretty big and would be aggressive towards fish that small once grown

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