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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 21, 2013
I have a couple bala sharks in my tank, one of them swam into a decoration and got stuck in a hole in it. When I found it, it was stuck rigorously trying to get out. I pushed him out of it right away. He is now missing scales above his head and and a chunk out of his rear fin. I'm afraid it may die, and if it survives, if its fins/ scales will ever grow back




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He's moving slow, keeping shelter in the drift wood. Seems to be swimming fine, but it looks like it scratched its eye too. I added extra start right, and some aquarium salt and have been keeping the lights off. Don't know what's best?
He should be fine. I had a female Betta do the same thing, got herself stuck in a very small hole some how. I have no idea how long she had been stuck but I got her out, she was stunned for a little bit but bounced back no problems. She actually had a ring around her from where she was stuck. As mumma said, keep the water clean & watch your guy.
Looked scary when I got home today, all the damaged scales and fins were falling off. After watching for a while though the fish is swimming more normal and seems more lively. I think everything's going to be ok


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