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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 9, 2017

This is my tank. I lost almost all my fish after a water change and I am trying to scape it before adding some fish. I currently have a gourami which survived the tragedy and two guppies. This tank is outside my house where I have ample natural light and it is hot throughout the year here. I am new to planted tanks. I don't have Co2 diffuser. I am using a Boyu power filter and an air stone. I have planted valisneria mainly. Will I have to add lighting and CO2? Also suggest what fish I could add. Planning to add a school of Boeseman's Rainbow fish.
Also my DIY driftwood has some algae now. Please advise IMG_3342.jpg
If you want to go on natural light, no co2, you can use wisteria, java fern, hornwort.

Harlequins have a vast temperature range, and I have kept tetras at a fairly wide range as well. Both neons and harlequins should coexist nicely with your gourami

Some nerite snails will help the algae. Snails also have the benefit of being an early warning system of anything out of the ordinary in the tank- they head straight to the top if they don't like the parameters

I'm not sure of the size of the tank, it may fit a bristle nose pleco but they can make as much waste as they clean up algae
Thank you Sassymomma. I will add neon tetras in a few days
No problem

May I suggest adding some shelter for when they feel skittish? I use a wisteria forest, and a glass cave.

I can't tell how thick the plants you have are, but if you have a good stand near a corner, they will use that :)
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