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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 11, 2015
Bay Area, California
Hi guys.

Im here in California and I am experienced with reef tanks and planted tanks. I had a high tech planted set up with buildmyleds and co2 injection and life got busy so I had to tear it down and stick with one reef tank.

Well fast forward a year later and my time has permitted me to start up a low tech planted tank. Since my reef tank is already a ton of work, I want to make this planted tank low maintenance with simple plants and fish.

I have a 20 gallon long tank that I will be planting but I have no idea what I want to stock it with yet. I think I want a couple dozen red cherry shrimp with around 4 or 5 small fish. Harlequin rasboras have always been a favorite of mine. I will be posting some pics of my tank when I start it and maybe I'll ask for some suggestions.

I look forward to being a member of this community. Thanks everyone.

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Sounds like a great collection of aquariums and experience.
Looking forward to hearing and seeing more from you!
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