hey guys(tank update)

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 29, 2006
so i got it up and running so far so good, i recently found out that i was way over feeding my fish, i am doing a 25%water change tonight if i am lucky. i was told that the gouramis and the angels werent the best of tank ma8s in my first post, but i couldnt help it, they said its been done and i am going to try to do it. so far off to a good start aside from the ammonia being at retarded levels alls well in the tank.





First question that is going to be asked here:

Is your tank cycled? Please don't be offended but if you don't know what that means please read the stickies at the top of this section. Your fish will appreciate it.

Sorry, here is the link if you need it. Cycling your tank
onah said:
... so far off to a good start aside from the ammonia being at retarded levels alls well in the tank.

Eek! It sounds like things actually couldn't be much worse. I doubt a 25% water chance will cut it. You really need to make sure you get that down to a reasonable level.

Maybe others can answer this ... would adding enough Prime to detoxify the ammonia then dumping some Bio-Spira in there to cycle it work?
If your ammonia levels are over 1ppm, those fish aren't going to last. Go a major PWC to try and get your levels below .5ppm, and keep it there til it's cycled. It's going to be a long period, and a lot of work now that you have fish in the tank.
Cycling with fish can result in many water changes. You will need to do larger water changes, at least 50% as many times a week as needed to keep the ammonia below .5ppm for the fish's sake.

I have had no personal experience with bio spira but there are many that swear by it. Problem is it isn't always available everywhere.

i ran the tank for four dayz, on the last night i added a plant from the old tank and some gravel (in the little tank)as well. the next afternoon i started the move, and then added the filter from my last tank, i read somewhere that u get the benafical bacteria from it as well as extra filtration. i have done about a 40% water change and cleaned it out pretty good. gonna get the water tested tomarrow. also its a freshwater tank .once again ill keep everyone posted..... :)
That's good to hear. If you're using an old filter, it should stabilize pretty quickly. You just need to make sure you keep on top of your water changes to keep it under control.

I'd really recommend getting a test kit so you can test it yourself until things stabilize. I didn't have any problems getting PetSmart to pricematch the Aquarium Pharmaceutical's Freshwater Master Test Kit for $13.49 (it's something like $25 in the store).

ok proud to report i got the ammonia down to a 2 on a 1-6, i tried the price thing with the people(petco) here and they basically told me to get bent in not so many words, but i am going to try in S.A. or Dallas well i am there this weekend, progress good, and ill keep u guys updated, thanx again.
PetSmart does the price match, not Petco. That may be the reason for the get bent.
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