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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 9, 2011
chattanooga, tn
Just wanted to say hi and ask for some ideas. I'm getting a 55g tank with everything I need. Im going freshwater and I am set on getting a few kuhli loaches (4-5). So what are some stocking options? Any suggestions on a nice and natural looking substrate? Possibly even good plant ideas.

Please and thank you.

Ooooo um its been like 3 years sinse my last cycle, well i remember you rinse the gravel, put decor in, nd start your filter and put your water conditioning stuff in to get ride of chlorine nd everything a fish need to live, then let it sit for a month. Somone correct me if im wrong or missed a step
Ooooo um its been like 3 years sinse my last cycle, well i remember you rinse the gravel, put decor in, nd start your filter and put your water conditioning stuff in to get ride of chlorine nd everything a fish need to live, then let it sit for a month. Somone correct me if im wrong or missed a step

Almost, not quite. :) You'll need an ammonia source as well such as pure ammonia. There's a link to a guide in my signature: new empty tank. It'll tell you what you need to do. Good luck.
Do you mean sand, or do you mean gravel/crushed coral? I had gravel with my rams and they did just fine
Black sand looks sick (cool) in a planted tank, but if your going for the real natural look go for just plain white sand. Or you can mix white and black sand.

Theres also tons if different type of gravel, from larger pieces to fine.
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